Big Ideas Shaping Africa's future
An innovative thought leadership initiative by the unconventional School of Politics, Policy, and Governance

The Big Ideas Platform connect ideas and uptakers by offering a platform to less subscribed but powerful voices and ideas across diversities, leading exceptional
solutions that can take us to an African renaissance. The platform
would serve to:
Launch new Thinking and introduce new personas on the thought landscape
Illuminate bold ideas that can enhance the quality of life of African communities
Amplify life-changing strategies to implement transformative ideas
Connect creative and innovative energies across and beyond the continent
Build on the next steps to activate the big ideas solutions
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May 25, 2024 - Big Ideas Platform Event Second Edition
Explore ideas from our 2023 Speakers

Hamzat Lawal - Founder CODE
The Big Idea: Factivism
When Government spending works, Nothing works like it. It’s on target, good value, transparent & sustainable when it works.
Amal Hassan - Ceo & Founder Outsource Global
From Idea to reality: UNLOCKING BPO in AFRICA
Outsource Global Technologies is Nigeria’s leading global business services and process outsourcing provider. We have created sustainable models for harnessing the youth under-employment challenge across Nigeria on a massive scale for impact-driven service delivery worldwide.

Samson Ogbole - Founder Soiles farm lab
We understand food is a right; thus, hunger is a crime. We are youth focused on our work, with a special focus on ages 18 to 29 and a 60% female inclusion in our activities.
Adetola Onayemi - Founder Norebase
How to Multiply Global GDP: Make Business Borderless
Increase in productivity leads to a material increase in quality of life and standard of living.

Ijeoma Akwiwu - Co-founder Pivo
Building End-To-End Financial operating systems for Africa's supply Chains
From the click of a button, companies can access a variety of bespoke financial products and services that suit their own business needs and the network of SMEs that support their ecosystem.