Africa Conference 2024
Building a lasting network of disruptive leaders in the public space

Theme: Good Governance in Africa: Leaders and Citizens Driving Systemic Change
Africa is facing multiple, complex crises at this moment. According to the World Food Program, Africa is in the midst of its most alarming food and nutrition crisis in decades. This crisis is due to a series of regional and global factors, including insecurity and armed conflict, extreme weather events, the COVID-19 pandemic, the rising cost of living, fertilizer shortages following the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and more. These combined events make an already difficult governance situation in Africa even more complex. Since the beginning of 2023 and 2024, anti-government protests have been taking place in every region of the continent, motivated by electoral injustice, shrinking democratic spaces, and the increased cost of necessities: Nigeria, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Tunisia, the Sahel, etc. Since 2020, an alarming number of coups d’etats, seven to be precise, have occurred in the Sahel region, each citing insecurity and bad governance as reasons for a military takeover. African civil society and social movements have consistently sounded the alarm about the need to rethink Africa’s future and
transform governance models to ensure the interests of African citizens are at the heart of decision-making. When it was founded in 2020 with the support of GIZ, the School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) set itself the mission of transforming politics in Nigeria and the rest of Africa, by building a massive base pipeline of a new value-based and disruptive thinking political leaders with the requisite knowledge and skills to lead effectively.
In conjunction with its fourth Graduation Ceremony, SPPG is organizing a conference that will bring together value-oriented politicians in Africa to connect, learn from one another, and build a lasting network of disruptive leaders in the public space, ready to shape and influence the future of governance in their respective countries and throughout the continent. Specifically, the conference will look at transforming African governance in the short, medium, and long term, at the levels of Political leadership, Institutions and Policies, Citizen engagement, and participation.
Launch new Thinking and introduce new personas on the thought landscape
Illuminate bold ideas that can enhance the quality of life of African communities
Amplify life-changing strategies to implement transformative ideas
Connect creative and innovative energies across and beyond the continent
Build on the next steps to activate the big ideas solutions
Meet our 2024 Speakers
Watch Highlights from the 2023 Africa Conference
2023 Africa Conference Speakers
Theme – Renaissance Africa: The Era of Citizens Shaping a New Leadership Model for Good Governance
Date Held – October 5 and 6, 2023